debian; ubuntu; kali / linux桌面 / 未分类 · 2014年6月21日

my xmonad 常用快捷键–pass

Launching software
When you start xmonad for the first time, you’re not looking at much. You will see a status bar near the top of your screen, and that’s about it.
There are no menus for selecting programs to run. Everything is launched in one of two ways:
mod-shift-enter: launches a terminal window (Terminator). You can run other programs from the terminal.
ctrl-space:(已被我改了) launches a Synapse prompt. You can run any program by starting to type its name, and then hitting enter once Synapse has found the program you want.
Changing layouts
mod-space: cycle through the available layouts`
mod-shift-space: jump to the default layout
Focusing windows (#去到另一个当前窗口 写代码时,这个特别有用)
mod-j or mod-shift-tab moves your focus to the previous window
mod-k or mod-tab moves your focus to the next window
mod-m moves your focus to the master pane (see next section)
or, you can focus a window by moving your mouse cursor over it
You can manipulate the contents of the master pane as follows:
mod-enter will swap the currently focused window with the contents of the master pane, making it the new master.
mod-comma will make the master pane contain more windows, if the current layout supports this.
mod-period will make the master pane contain fewer contains, if the current layout supports this.
Resizing windows
mod-l and mod-h will grow or shrink the size of the master pane.
mod-a and mod-z will grow or shrink the size of the currently focused window.
Closing windows
You can use mod-shift-c to close the focused window if you are done with it.
Quitting or restarting xmonad
The following commands involve quitting or restarting xmonad:
mod-shift-q: quits xmonad, returning to the login screen.
mod-q: restarts and recompiles xmonad. Does not require restarting any other programs you may be running, and happens very quickly. Very useful while experimenting with changes to your xmonad.hs file!